Tuesday, February 21, 2017

101 Marvelous Money Matters... That will Save You Thousands of Dollars.

101   Marvelous  Money Matters... That will Save You Thousands of  Dollars.
Beat the Recession and Save With these Money Matters Saving Tips!
Plus-Money Matters From The Bible That will Increase Your Wealth
1. Be patient and remember that just because you want something, do not rush to buy just to satisfy your urge. Instead, wait for sales in order to get the best price, which in turn will save you money.
2. When you shop, look for items that can be reused. Rechargeable batteries are a perfect example.
3. Do you love the movies but hate the prices? Switch your nighttime show to the late afternoon or early evening matinee. The price is about 50% less.
4. Do not forget to give yourself an allowance for things you enjoy. Even if on a tight budget, buy something that you enjoy, which could be as simple as buying a new shirt or grabbing lunch at your favorite café.
5. It is always fun getting your favorite magazine or book in the mail but you should cancel them or at least most of them.
6. Look for hair styling shops that offer family deals or learn how to cut hair yourself.
7. While avoiding temptation is hard, it is also necessary in order to save money. When you want to give into your temptation, this is the time to use your allowance.8. Clean your cupboard so to speak by going one week without grocery shopping. Use what you have to make creative dishes from your fridge and cupboard.
8. One to three days after a holiday, stores mark their holiday items from 50 to 75 percent off. This is an ideal way to stock up on next year’s Christmas or Halloween decorations.
9. When interest rates are quite low, consider refinancing your home and/or securing a debt consolidation loan.
10. Entertainment and having fun does not have to cost anything. Some cities have special areas that are popular on the weekends where you can find free concerts.
11. Start with the debt that has the highest interest rate since it is the one costing you the most money.
12. Cut down drastically on your mortgage by paying on the principal the 15th of each month.
Pay your mortgage payments bi-weekly, rather than monthly. If you pay monthly, you’re only making 12 two-week payments (that’s 24 payments), but if you pay bi-weekly, that’s 26 payments! Two more payments a year adds up over time.
13. Shop around for the best price. While you may have your eye on that perfect car and want it now, by waiting and looking around, you could be saving yourself a lot of money.
14. Be a reflective shopper not an impulsive one.
15. Learn how to enjoy life and nature rather than possessions. The next time you feel like spending money, head to your local park where you can enjoy the warm sun, green grass, and towering trees without spending a dime.
16. For your fresh fruits and vegetables, visit your local farmer’s market.

17. Waste not want not.
18. Think before you spend.
19. A fool and his money will soon depart.
20.A stitch in time saves nine.
21.Spend below your means.
22. Don't take Peter to pay Paul. This will keep you in the poverty cycle.

23. Write a list before you go shopping. Stick to it.

24. If you have a particular weakness, stay away from it. If you have a weakness for shoes, drive past your favorite shoe store.

25. You need to make sure you take care of yourself physically. Missed dental cleanings (every six months) can lead to gum disease or tooth decay that can cost thousands to fix.
26. Many financial companies and even churches offer outstanding classes on how to manage money.
27. The price of items in bulk is generally a great bargain. If you are single, you might go in with friends or family on bulk items.
28. Turn lights off when not in used. Teach your children to do  the same. It's  amazing how much you can save on electric bills.
29. Unplug electric appliances devices when not in use. You can save lots of money by doing this .
30. Sales are great ways to vase money. They are can be very tricky. Be careful. Don't stock up on things you do not want.
31. Coupons are great ways to save money. Flip side be careful not to use them to purchase items you do not want. You might find yourself spending more than you bargain for.
32. Find out the cost of repair over that of purchasing a new one. Even if you have an appliance with the wrong color, businesses offer fantastic paint jobs. With a little creativity, you will be amazed at how much can be repaired, thus saving you money.
33. Watch for neighborhood garage sales or estate sales and auctions to find items you need.
34. Unless you have an emergency, avoid those enticing advertisements to lend you money at incredible rates.
35. Keep a jar or some type of container handy and each time you come home, drop in your change. Every time you break a bill, put the change in your container.
36. Always head straight for the clearance rack where you can find amazing bargains. Sometimes you may have to dig a little to find the right item but the savings will be well-worth your time.
38. Downsize if you have grown children. Sell your home and purchase a smaller one..
39. Be patient and remember that just because you want something, do not rush to buy just to satisfy your urge. Instead, wait for sales in order to get the best price, which in turn will save you money.
40. Use credit cards only for emergency. Although convenient, credit cards are dangerous and damaging.
41. Utilities are expensive. A great money saver  is to monitor how they are used in your
home.  Turn off lights  when not in uses. Unplug electric gadgets even when you have turn
 them off. They use energy when plugged in. Teach your kids and family members to do so too.
42. Save eon your water bill Do not run the pipe while brushing your teeth. Fix leaking faucets and toilet bowls etc.
43.The quickest way to get in debt is to live beyond your means. Sure, most people want more than they have but life is not all about spending money.
43. If possible, stay away from shopping malls. Prices are generally higher and in most cases, people walk out with more than they anticipated buying.

45. Unless you have an emergency, avoid those enticing advertisements to lend you money at incredible rates.
46.If you have credit cards and your credit is in good standing, call your credit card company, and ask for your interest rate to be lowered rates.
 47.One to three days after a holiday, stores mark their holiday items from 50 to 75 percent off. This is an ideal way to stock up on next year’s Christmas or Halloween decorations.

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